Skate-je-Fit vzw
We make you move !
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Tini Wiki

Tiny Wiki+ is the technology behind this wiki.

TinyWiki Formatting Quick Reference


bold in html, done with < b > tags

||bold in wiki||
is displayed as:
bold in wiki

//double slash for italics//
is displayed as:
double slash for italics

__underscore to underline it__
is displayed as:
underscore to underline it

  2 spaces to make it look like this (similar to 'pre' tags)
  This looks like preformated text?  How can you tell?  

* Bullets can be formed with a * as the first character on a line
 * Indented bullets require a space in front of the * at the beginning of the line
  • Bullets can be formed with a * as the first character on a line
    • Indented bullets require a space in front of the * at the beginning of the line
      • Number of spaces before the star determine the bullet indent level
        • Within a bulletlist, continuations are possible.
          Just add more lines without blank lines, but you can use BR
          HR works too !
        • A blank line ends the bulletlist
Links to other webpages can just be typed in, and they will link automatically, like this:

Four dashes for a horizontal line

Exclamation marks for headers
! Header 1
!! Header 2
!!! Header 3

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

See Also

→ Skate-je-Fit vzw, maatschappelijke zetel te Leuven, RPR Leuven 0870 796 021 ←